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摘要:请点击右上角+“关注”,关注《英语周报》官方头条号,专业辅导英语学习。Unit 2 课时练习课课练Section AⅠ. 根据语境及所给汉语提示,写出所缺内容,每空一词。1. Wendy should ___________ _______...


Unit 2 课时练习


Section A

Ⅰ. 根据语境及所给汉语提示,写出所缺内容,每空一词。

1. Wendy should ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________(帮她妈妈做家务) on weekends.

2. —How often does Tim ___________ ___________ ___________ (使用互联网)?

—___________ ___________ ___________ ___________(一个月三次).

3. Andy likes ___________ ___________(摇摆舞) and he dances beautifully.

4. —What does Judy usually do on Sunday afternoon?

—She usually ___________ ___________ ___________(上钢琴课).

5. My father ___________ ___________(几乎从不) cooks at home.

6. My parents and I go on vacation ___________ ___________ ___________(一年两次).

7. Trump Card is my brother"s ___________ ___________(最喜欢的节目).

8. —I lost the ping-pong game.

—___________ ___________(怎么会呢)? You practiced a lot.

Ⅱ. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。

A: Hi, Alex. You look worried. (1)___________

B: I think I"m too heavy. I must lose some weight (减肥).

A: (2)___________

B: Yes, but only once a week. (3)___________

A: But health is important.

B: Yes, you"re right. I should exercise every day. What about you, Steve?

A: I walk to school every day. (4)___________ Oh, your home is not very far from the school. What about going to school on foot every day?

B: (5)___________

A. What"s wrong?

B. Do you exercise?

C. That"s a good idea.

D. I think walking is good exercise.

E. My life is too full to find time for exercise.

Grammar Focus

Ⅰ. 根据句意,选择恰当的频度副词填空。

1. Milk can help us sleep well, so I ___________ (always / never) drink milk before I go to bed.

2. Jeff ___________(often / hardly ever) plays chess. It"s easy for him.

3. Grace sleeps well every night. She ___________ (usually / never) stays up late.

4. I ___________(sometimes / usually) eat a healthy breakfast because my mom makes breakfast for me.

5. Mr. and Mrs. Clark are very busy, so they ___________(hardly ever / usually) play sports.

Ⅱ. 根据语境及括号内所给英文提示语,用完整的句子完成下列对话。

1. A: _______________________? (your sister)

B: She brushes her teeth maybe three times a day.

2. A: _______________________? (drink tea)

B: No. I don"t like it at all.

3. A: How often does your brother do kung fu?

B: _______________________. (at least)

4. A: When does Sam usually take a shower?

B: _______________________. (in the morning)

5. A: Is Maria always late for work?

B: No. _______________________. (never)

6. A: What do your parents often do on weekends?

B: _______________________. (read books)

Ⅲ. 根据短文内容及所给表格提示,补全所缺内容,使短文完整、通顺。

Things Vera does

always → go to the library

usually → get up at 6:00 a.m.

often → write e-mails to them

sometimes → go shopping with her parents

hardly ever → eat out for breakfast

never → be late for school

Vera comes from Australia. She lives in Beijing with her parents now. Her mother is an English teacher. Her father works for a computer company (公司). Vera"s grandparents live in Melbourne (墨尔本). She (1)_________________.

Vera (2)_________________. After that, she runs in the park for 30 minutes. She (3)_________________ because her mother makes breakfast for her at home. She lives not far from her school, so she goes to school by bike every day. And she (4)_________________. Vera has lunch at school. After lunch, she (5)_________________ because she likes reading very much. On weekends, Vera does her homework, reads books and goes to the movies. And she (6)_________________. For them, Huamei Supermarket is a good place to go.

Vera enjoys her life in China.

Section B

Ⅰ. 根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。

coffee, result, body, write, magazine, almost, point

1. Billy got 10 ___________ in the health quiz.

2. You shouldn"t drink ___________ in the evening.

3. Yang Jiang was a great ___________ in China.

4. The ___________ of the two basketball games were 86-69 and 67-58.

5. —How long did you stay in the library, Alex?

—For ___________ two hours.

6. Staying up late and getting up late is bad for our ___________ and minds.

7. Dennis likes reading and he reads lots of books, newspapers and ___________.

Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。

1. Annie认为游泳对她的健康有好处。

Annie thinks swimming ___________ ___________ ___________ her health.

2. Jeff一星期上网四到六次。

Jeff ___________ ___________ four to six times a week.

3. 这个男孩上周去看牙医了。

The boy ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ last week.

4. Tina每天锻炼不到一小时。

Tina exercises ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ every day.

5. 妈妈,让Jill和我一起看电视吧。

Mom, let Jill and me ___________ ___________ ___________.

6. 似乎每个人都知道这个问题的答案。

It seems that everyone knows _________ _________ ___________ ___________ ___________.

7. 我们学了一句谚语,“旧习难改”。

We learnt a saying, “___________ ___________ ___________ ___________.”

Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思及括号内所给英文提示语,将下列句子翻译成英语。

1. 去野营很有趣。 (it)


2. 大部分人养像猫和狗这样的宠物。 (such as)


3. Becky通过看英文电影学习新词。 (through)


4. 二十多个学生参加了音乐俱乐部。 (more than)


5. 我们班百分之六十的学生喜欢吃垃圾食品。 (percent)


6. 办公室有三台电脑,但没有一台能用。 (none)


7. 尽管Anna很忙,但是她经常帮助我学习英语。 (although)


8. 我去参加派对了。然而,我没有见到Jenny。 (however)


Self Check


Little Jim has three sisters. His three sisters have different jobs.

His first sister Kelly is a d (1). She thinks it"s important to take care of (爱护) her teeth. She cleans them o (2) a year and checks (检查) them every six months. She doesn"t drink soft drinks or eat candies. She says they"re bad for her teeth.

Jim"s second sister Rose is a w (3). She writes for newspapers and m (4). She is very busy every day. She hardly ever has time to go shopping in the shop. She often buys things o (5).

Jim"s third sister Betty works in the library. She only works on Monday and Thursday. Most of the time she reads books at home. Sometimes she helps her mother with h (6) such as doing the dishes and washing clothes. Sometimes she does volunteer (志愿者) work. A (7) Betty feels tired, she is still very happy. She says we should help others.


Section A

Ⅰ. 1. help her mom / mother with / do housework 2. use the Internet; Three times a month 3. swing dance 4. has / takes piano lessons 5. hardly ever 6. twice a year

7. favorite program 8. How come

Ⅱ. 1-5 ABEDC

Grammar Focus

Ⅰ. 1. always 2. often 3. never 4. usually 5. hardly ever

Ⅱ. 1. How often does your sister brush her teeth 2. Do you drink tea

3. He does kung fu at least twice a month / once a week / ...

4. He usually takes a shower in the morning 5. She is never late for work

6. They often read books on weekends

Ⅲ. 1. often writes e-mails to them 2. usually gets up at 6:00 a.m.

3. hardly ever eats out for breakfast 4. is never late for school

5. always goes to the library 6. sometimes goes shopping with her parents

Section B

Ⅰ. 1. points 2. coffee 3. writer 4. results 5. almost 6. bodies 7. magazines

Ⅱ. 1. is good for 2. goes online 3. went to the dentist 4. less than an / one hour

5. watch television / TV together 6. the answer to the question 7. Old habits die hard

Ⅲ. 1. It is interesting / fun to go camping. 2. Most people keep pets such as cats and dogs.

3. Becky learns new words through watching English movies.

4. More than twenty / 20 students joined the music club.

5. Sixty / 60 percent of the students in our class enjoy / like eating junk food.

6. There are three computers in the office, but none of them work(s).

7. Although Anna is very busy, she often helps me with my English / Anna often helps me with my English although she is very busy.

8. I went to the party. However, I didn"t meet Jenny.

Self Check

1. dentist 2. once 3. writer 4. magazines 5. online 6. housework 7. Although

责编 | 张俊 审稿 | 李晨晖 校稿 | 尚继明

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